We encourage everyone to examine Scripture and reflect on their own faith journey to not only look forward but to reflect on how God continues to work in the lives of his disciples.
As we discerned God's will for our lives, we discovered His calling for us to plant a church. It has been the most challenging yet enriching experience of our faith. We want you to experience the same regardless of where that may take you. When we faithfully trust in Christ to direct our future, we will discover the role He has for us in His Kingdom.
Perhaps He is calling you to be part of Kingship. If this is so, let's connect!
There is good news to share! God's Kingdom is still expanding and you can be part of that expedition. The conversation around church planting is surprisingly attractive to people in various stages of their faith journey.
This isn't just a story of another community; this is the story of God calling, equipping, and empowering his people for good work.
Church planting isn't just about finding a faith community but awaking those who need His faith community. As you talk to others, share Kingship's mission and ask them if they know of anyone in need of it.
There is a lot of hard work that goes into seeing God's Kingdom expand.
And we believe God will provide all that is needed.
We encourage you to prayerfully consider God's calling on you and your family in this journey. If you are able to cheerfully give, we welcome your partnership in seeing the gospel reach beyond our limits.
Whether that giving is through your time, talent, or financially, we invite you to share your story of how God is calling you to respond.
You can make online donations using the button at the bottom of the page. You can direct your funds to general tithes or specifically to our BUILDING CAMPAIGN.
It may seem like an insignificant ask, but it is the most important thing we can do.
Pray for trust in Christ.
Pray for the launch team.
Pray for the funds and resources needed.
Pray for faithfulness.
Pray for those that God has set apart to be impacted by Kingship.
Pray for His will to be done.
Let it be so.
Here are four ways that you can partner with us right now