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Kingship Building Announcement

Writer's picture: Kingship.ChurchKingship.Church

Dear Kingship Family & Friends //

It has been an incredible experience over the last year and a half of pursuing God’s calling to build a church body ready to pour into families and equip all for the Kingdom of God. Much of the work that has already gone into launching Kingship Church has been God’s work in preparing our hearts for what He has in store for us. As a Church, we are eager to listen to Him and respond in action.

Recently God has orchestrated an opportunity to purchase a building in downtown Hillsboro that supports the vision of Kingship. It’s a humble little place that provides us the opportunity to create the environment we dreamed of for our short and long term goals in helping others remove hesitation about experiencing the Church. Purchasing was not something we were initially seeking out. However it is hard to deny God’s hand over the matter of whether this was the time to pursue one or not. Others, outside the launch team, caught word of the vision of Kingship and rallied with us. They were responding the same way we initially did when we first began; responding with obedience. It has been encouraging to hear the stories of others feeling called and taking action. With their unmerited help, we have secured funds and resources to be able to purchase the building in the coming month. This all has been unexpected and presented to us more like a gift than anything else.

For us, God has shown up and He has provided.

He has done great things without us and now is a time to see what He will do through us.

We must show an act of faith towards His generosity.

The next steps we need to take to move forward is to secure funds for a build out to help make the building functional for church use. Our goal is to raise $150,000 by the end of March and have the building operational by spring.

We understand what this will require of us; prayer, faith, and action.

If we desire to go where God is going, then now is the time to go all in. We are asking ourselves, family, friends, and our supporters to dream with us of what God will do next and prayerfully consider giving towards this goal. But most importantly to do this with US. We don’t care how much but as a church focused on activating people to God’s Kingdom, we desire to do this together so that all can experience trusting in God’s provision.

A wise friend told us, as he shared the news of an angel investor securing us with the needed lending, to reflect on Jesus' miracle of the feeding of the 5,000. Jesus was going to come through and provide the miracle, but he also asked His disciples what they had to give. Not because they needed to, but because Jesus wanted them to be a part of what He was up to.

Jesus longs for us to participate in the expanding of His Kingdom.

To God be the glory,

The Kingship Trustee Board //

// If you would like to contribute towards the Kingship Building Campaign you can use the link below. We will share more updates and the extent of our goal as we move forward. In the meantime, please share this page and let family & friends know of the story that God is unfolding.//

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